Demolition & Asbestos Removal

Demolition & Asbestos Removal


Selective demolition and dismantling of buildings and facilities form the starting point and an essential part of many projects. This work demands specialists with the necessary expertise in safety, environmental protection and legal regulations. At Mourik, we are equipped to meet any challenge in this field. Besides demolishing buildings and facilities, we are also adept at removing asbestos, disposing of waste materials and decontaminating buildings.

Specialist Work

Mourik carries out highly specialised demolition and decommissioning work as part of construction, renovation and remediation projects, also on industrial sites where controlled and safe operations are essential. Our expertise extends to specific tasks, including fine cleaning of historical persistent dust, SF6 gas and chromium-6, and asbestos removal. Through our accumulated knowledge and experience, we have also expanded into dismantling, decontaminating and demolishing nuclear buildings and facilities.

Maximum Effort for the Environment

A significant aspect of our expertise is minimising the environmental and local impact of demolition and decommissioning work. For more information, see the waste management pages on this website. We safely remove, collect, repackage and dispose of hazardous and non-hazardous waste materials. In all our projects, we aim for the highest possible circularity of resources and materials, always complying with all laws, regulations and safety requirements.

Controlled demolition and dismantling is a specialist task. At Mourik, we possess all the necessary knowledge to safely and responsibly bring projects to a successful conclusion, with due consideration for people and the environment. Our professionals are well trained and carry out the work in accordance with the highest quality and safety standards.


Sebastiaan Beerten

Sebastiaan Beerten

Lead Project Manager Asbestos Removal
Mourik n.v. Groenendaallaan 399
B-2030 Antwerpen

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