In construction, numerous disciplines converge, often working under the pressure of time and cost constraints. Expertise and experience are invaluable, particularly in situations that are complex due to the nature of the construction or the environment in which building is to take place. With a single point of contact for all work, significant savings can be made without compromising on quality, deadlines or budget. Mourik is always ready with solutions, providing a full service and transforming challenges into opportunities.
Mourik is an all-round contractor with local variations in focus. In Belgium, we are a licensed contractor (class 8) specialising in civil construction and the building and finishing of structures, in both new developments and renovations. We work for pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical and major utility companies, as well as for public clients and project developers seeking added value. In the Netherlands, our emphasis is on industrial construction, concrete structures and their maintenance, as well as area and project development in all its aspects.
Mourik always thinks in terms of solutions, participating from the preliminary stages and viewing problems as opportunities. Our team consists of specialists with extensive knowledge in nearly every field. At Mourik, the lines of communication are short, enabling us to move quickly and act decisively.