Kees Jan Mourik, Chairman of the Board of Management
He has been the new chief executive since January 2013. Kees Jan Mourik has found that collaboration between the various Mourik companies is becoming increasingly important. This is all the reason he needs to ‘keep a tight hold on the strings’ in this field more than in any other. Kees Jan provides his vision on this and other strategic issues.
"Great companies that join forces"
‘We have a fantastic set of companies that join forces to tackle multidisciplinary projects. This offers our clients decisive advantages. The Mourik mentality of “putting our backs into it” is highly valued. Therefore, I want to hold on to and stimulate this unique Mourik culture in collaboration with our employees, who live up to it.’
Feeling with the shop floor ‘Here, this is a typical project of ours that illustrates the power of the collaboration between the various disciplines within Mourik.’ Kees Jan is talking about the turn-key project Wilmar Autoroute, which several Mourik companies are collaborating on. He can talk endlessly about countless Mourik projects, sometimes going into the technical details and innovations, to emphasise the added value of an integrated approach. In 2012 the formation of divisions within Mourik took centre stage.
‘We have found that the various forms of collaboration are continuously developing, within the company, between client and contractor, but also between contractors. Looking at Mourik, you will see more than just a group of companies that offer the same services, but rather a nice combination of technical companies with a lot of diversity, a number of which work in niche markets. Every company is quite independent and has its own responsibility. We purposely stimulate this to promote entrepreneurship and in connection with specific technologies, products, services and markets. We provide, as Board of Directors, the general framework and aim for synergy between the Mourik companies, and safeguard entrepreneurship. My role in this? I keep an eye on the big picture and strive to always know what is going on out in the field, am a connecting factor and have an eye for current innovations. Having been appointed president in January 2013, I am also the one who takes the final decisions where necessary. But first, I want to know exactly where things stand.’
Being the chief executive can be a lonely affair. Managing a complex technical company is not always easy. ‘Even if I do say so myself, I am an accessible and approachable leader,’ Kees Jan says with a smile. ‘Since I joined the Board of Directors almost five years ago, I have invested a lot of time and effort in making contact with people. I regularly make safety rounds with the head of Corporate Safety and visit projects. In addition, I want to know about the strategic details and be able to talk to our people on a project level. What determines the cost price? How do you ensure that there is a compliance policy? I think feeling with the shop floor is just as important as management experience. Of course, I bear ultimate responsibility for the general course of affairs.
My three personal areas of interest in this are Purchase, Innovation and Safety.’ Though sustainability is not explicitly included in that list, Kees Jan leaves no room for doubt about his view on this: ‘To me, that is not a separate subject, nor a hype. Sustainability is simply interwoven in our operational management and is part of running a good company.’
‘But when all is said and done, money needs to be made. This means a healthy return is required. However, in my view “return” is more than just the figure at the bottom of the page. The sentimental value I attach to the return is motivation, dedication, loyalty and the safety of the people who work at Mourik. Our social policy reflects that too. After all, we are a family business and we value our people. Sustainable employability is a nice term, but what it comes down to is that all employees can do their job in good health and fitness and make it to retirement. An active health policy plays an important part in this. In addition, we give our people every opportunity to develop.’
‘My personal goal on the horizon? I want the Mourik ship to continue sailing in the right direction, even in rough seas, and I want us to continue doing the things we are good at and get even better at them.’
‘A good operating result is important, but I want to look beyond that. I also want us to extend our horizon, through innovation, new markets, work methods and collaborations. I want us to be a modern company with an eye for social developments. I stand for Mourik's continuity.’