Havennummer 6055
4455 ST Nieuwdorp
Mourik Vlissingen is a 100% subsidiary of Mourik Services (Botlek-Rotterdam) and has been providing technical services particularly to the chemical, petrochemical, energy and environment sectors for 35 years. The services consist of consultancy, realisation, maintenance and management, with disciplines that include mechanical work, industrial cleaning (high-pressure/vacuum cleaning), civil engineering activities, catalyst handling, asbestos clean-ups and environmental technology.
In order to provide optimal service, Mourik Vlissingen is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Specialist knowledge, resourcefulness, flexibility and local presence are our organisation’s strong points.
Integrated customised package
Needless to say, Mourik Vlissingen supplies not only individual disciplines but also, where possible and desired, an integrated customised package. Because of the increasing demand for multi-disciplinary total packages, we now profile ourselves more and more as a 'managing contractor', responsible not just for implementing, but also for managing all project and maintenance activities related to our own work as well as the work of third parties. We have an all-inclusive, open network of partners − on the one hand so that we can deploy extra (peak) capacity in our own skilled areas, and on the other hand so that we can supply the requisite specialist disciplines that we don’t have in-house. Needless to say, we also often work together with other companies in the Mourik group.
Long-term maintenance contracts
We have built up long-standing relationships with a large number of clients in the form of long-term maintenance contracts with them for cleaning and mechanical and/or civil engineering activities. Thanks to these contracts, we have gained extensive experience with new contract forms, such as partnerships, alliances and performance contracts, in which the emphasis is put on mutual trust, cooperation and sharing profits and losses.
Mourik Vlissingen’s aim is to be a confidential adviser with more to offer than just people and equipment. We also provide added value in the form of multidisciplinary customised solutions with management and consultancy capacities, geared to the specific wishes of individual customers.
Our strategy focuses on quality, added value and controlled growth. We want to be the best rather than the biggest in our sector.
Our knowledge of our specialist area and the specific needs of our customers mean that Mourik Vlissingen can count a huge number of industrial companies among its (long-term) customers.
Mourik Vlissingen is active in the following markets:
- (petro)chemicals
- oil and gas industry
- energy generation
- waste processing
- storage and distribution
- government and other institutions.