Residential Painting

Residential Painting

Quality Painting: The Foundation of Renovation and Maintenance

Maintaining paintwork, addressing wood rot and interior and exterior painting are crucial aspects of building renovation and upkeep. Mourik’s Bouman team boasts over 35 years of expertise in comprehensive house painting services, catering to entities such as governments, semi-public organisations, housing associations, property owner associations and industries. We also excel in environments that are subject to intensive use or where safety is paramount, such as multistorey car parks.

Upholding Rigorous Standards of Quality and Safety

In industry and infrastructure, the benchmarks for quality and safety are higher than in residential construction. We're accustomed to delivering top-tier performance, and we carry this commitment to excellence across all our endeavours. No other painting firm prioritises safety and quality as we do. For wood rot repairs, we employ Repair Care products, and our team is trained and certified in their application. In specific scenarios, we also draw upon the expertise of our colleagues, such as Vogel's concrete specialists.

We master all conventional techniques be it brushing, rolling or spraying for painting interior and exterior surfaces, from wooden doors and window frames to walls, ceilings and metal surfaces. Our specialists are also skilled in specific tasks, such as treating and mending wood rot, especially at critical junctions where surfaces meet. We collaborate exclusively with individuals who are masters of their craft and are genuinely driven to make a difference. To us, this is the cornerstone of renovation and maintenance.


Patrick Davids

Patrick Davids

G. Bouman Arkel B.V. Nieuwesluisweg 110
3197 KV Botlek-Rotterdam