

Thorough Removal of Contamination

Mourik’s precision cleaning services go beyond standard office or window cleaning and encompass the thorough removal of a variety of contaminants.

Decontaminating Technical Rooms

Our decontamination process targets contaminants such as historical dust, construction-related dust, asbestos, SF6 gas and chromium-6. We typically carry out these services in technical rooms such as high-voltage cabins, boiler rooms, HVAC spaces and similar environments.

Mourik employs the most advanced technology for effective decontamination. While some scenarios may be straightforward, others require extensive pre-engineering to determine the most effective cleaning method and technology.


Sebastiaan Beerten

Sebastiaan Beerten

Lead Project Manager Asbestos Removal
Mourik n.v. Groenendaallaan 399
B-2030 Antwerpen