


MGC Special Chemicals Netherlands


Botlek Rotterdam


No compromises in terms of quality and safety

MXDA (meta-xylenediamine) is a key chemical raw material. Due to its anti-corrosive properties, it is found in many epoxy coatings for floors, cars and infrastructure, e.g. wind turbines and bridges. Around the world, there are a few plants that produce MXDA, but demand is growing. That is precisely why MSCN is building a 25-kiloton state-of-the-art plant at Huntsman's Botlek site in the Netherlands. This is both ambitious and challenging, as the bar is high and deadlines are very tight, but that is where our experience makes all the difference. Together with Bilfinger Tebodin's engineers, we will ensure that the plant can ‘go live’ on time, without a single concession in terms of quality and safety.

Industrial construction by the book

Our assignment is multifaceted. To start with, we are responsible for site preparation. That includes all the civil work to build construction roads on the site, power supplies and one and a half kilometers (nearly a mile) of sewage. We also built the foundations for the loading stations and the process unit itself. The numbers involved are big: 30,000 cubic meters of soil, 10,000 cubic meters of concrete with 1.7 million kilograms of reinforcing steel, 2,000 anchors, and over 6,000 liters of mortar. Towards the end, we will handle the final finishing and landscaping of the site, from asphalting roads to seeding the roadsides. But first we will build another production hall for refrigeration equipment and a multifunctional control center. In other words, we are literally and figuratively laying the foundation for the start of the plant.

Everything under control

The control center is a fine piece of industrial construction, including the transformer rooms and a laboratory, the control room where operators control the plant, a locker room where they can change, and offices. We will deliver the building completely turnkey, including the technical systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). The control center is one of the major challenges in this project. The building will function as the beating heart of the plant and also the ‘safe haven’ on site in the event of an emergency. Consequently, safety requirements for the building and facilities are even higher than normal. But there is also time pressure, because the plant must ‘live’. Not a problem, because we have the knowledge and capacity to accelerate, with smart solutions that make tight deadlines achievable. We control everything from engineering to acceptance.

This type of industrial construction project is a good fit for Mourik. We embrace versatility, complexity and working under time constraints. We have many disciplines within civil works and other specialties in-house, or we can fall back on partners with the same ‘can do’ mentality. This allows us to move flexibly with the needs of our clients, e.g., if the scope of the project gradually grows or schedule pressures increase. In this case, both are at issue. Since we can do almost everything ourselves, the lines on the construction site are also always short, and when a problem arises, it gets solved. Good, fast and safe. Industrial construction by the book.


Marco van Haften

Marco van Haften

Commercial Manager
Mourik Industriebouw B.V. Driemanssteeweg 45
3084 CA Rotterdam

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