
On Tuesday 10 September 2019 Kees Jan Mourik, CEO of Mourik, handed Raymonde Wagemaker, managing director, the award for reaching the safety milestone of working two years without LTI (Lost Time Incident) for Mourik Industry global. This is a unique event within this industry.

Two years working without LTI means that Mourik Industry, globally, has worked without any (long-term) sick leave caused by a safety incident at work. The fact that Mourik globally has worked for more than 6 million safe man hours is something Mourik is very proud of. Kees Jan Mourik: ‘Two years may not sound long but it concerns all Mourik Industry locations worldwide. We are doing our utmost to work as safe as possible, and then it is rewarding to celebrate these milestones.

S@M, Safety At Mourik

Safety is essential for Mourik. The starting point is to get everyone safe at home at the end of the day. Therefore, Mourik bundled a cohesive package of safety initiatives in the S@M program, Safety At Mourik. The program has a positive base: Just S@M, developed for and by employees. This manifests in the yearly safety celebrations at locations for years without LTI. Also, every year Mourik organizes a safety day, globally, for all employees. This year the subject was the ten essential safety rules by Mourik.