Liechtensteinweg 2
Havennummer 6055
4455 ST Nieuwdorp

MCO-Team (Mourik Cooler Optimization Team) specializes in performance improvement of air-cooled industrial plants and equipment by inspection, cleaning, repair, optimization and re-engineering of cooling equipment (condensers/air fin banks). Since 2006 MCO-Team is part of the industrial services division of the Mourik group of companies. MCO-Team operates internationally.


What is your challenge?

We bring out the best in your cooling systems. Is the number of failure intervals too high? Are your costs rising? Will cleaning solve your problems or is there perhaps a completely different problem causing your loss of efficiency? What do you want to achieve by solving the problem? Cleaning is just one of many options. Environmental factors are very important when we offer solutions.  By listening to you and asking very specific questions, we get closer to the core of your cooling problems and discover your drivers for optimization.


In our advice:


Engineering includes the delivery and development of:


Our maintenance entails: